Hi, I'm Michael, and I'm an actor. I love The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, Salad Fingers, Portlandia, and Tim and Eric.
Age 29, Male
Los Angeles, CA
Joined on 3/2/09
Mom:Are you okay?
oh somethin like that...
freaking wicked :D
Ok??? This is impressive but I want a new Zombies: ....... something uh....series! Yeah that's it! anyways, the story behind the drawing is " Boy wakes up feeling different. Mom walks in bedroom. Asks if boy is ok. Boy runs up to mom and jumps on her. Boy bites mom and becomes zombie. Teh Edn!!!1111!!11!!! "
The next game is still under construction. It's not quite ready yet!
godd art but how is the new zombies game comeing along.
Very slowly!
ohh just makes me want to learn how to make flash videos all of the stuff i search on Google is useless like"how to make a good story line for a flash".
Let's ride dat magic poney ! XD
Man, I love this series soo much. Been waiting a long time for the next zombies game, I am eager to not only play this game, but have a wonderful playthrough of it when I'm done.
But I can see that you have other projects that you're working on. That's totally fine, I can see that you're happy with what you're doing now.
Just know this dude, I've been waiting three years for the next zombies game. And you know what?
I'm still gonna wait, and when you eventually release it, I will play the HECK out of it.
I won't care how long it takes, I WILL PLAY IT.
Thanks for leading me here Mike, your working here is awesome. Keep it up. :D
This is awesome! :)